10 Ways To Level Up In Life

better version of myself

Hi ladies! 
Today I'm gonna touch extremely important topic for our self-developing journey. And yes, I called it a journey on purpose because we need to be aware that making changes is a process. It takes a lot of time,efforts and patients to see massive changes, but there is also a good news. I guarantee you, it doesn't have to be terrible experience as long as you believe in working smart, not so hard that you start hating it. 
I know that we very often wanna change our life, but the following question is: HOW? That's why  I prepared for you 10 ways to level up. You should definitely implement into your everyday life and I'm sure you won't regret it.

#1 Know your worth and respect yourself.

Okey this one is huge. Now you may thinking " She's so brilliant! Why haven't I ever come up with this idea..." I know that it's easier said than done but listen. I don't mean by that to not show to much skin or to not let people insult you. My point is bigger than that and not so obvious. 

RESPECT YOURSELF - Remember your time on this earth is limited. You should always keep in mind that when you say YES to one thing, you say NO to something else.

KNOW YOUR WORTH- Remember your worth is always based on how you treat yourself so do your best to be proud of your achievements. Appreciation is key to self-love. And never forget how many rough situations you've overcome.

#2 Cut off toxic people and put yourself  first.
And here we go again- easier said than done. What every toxic person I met in my life had in common was the manipulative behavior which made me believe that I can't leave them. That I'm not strong enough, or my life without them is meaningless. Sometimes is so easy to believe. I am here to tell you that you can whoever the person is. How?  I'm gonna tell you exactly what you have to do but you need to be ready get out of your comfort zone. It will be hard, but out there are great people who dream about meeting an individual like you. And you won't let them in unless you let toxic people go.

REMEMBER: You are the only person you have to live with until the end of you days. That's why you need to put yourself first and be unapologetic about it.

WARNING: They will try to make fun of you when you decide to change your life. Don't worry. They will do it on purpose just because they will have already known that you've found strength to get rid of them.


Please stop daydreaming and start setting goals. If you think that what you desire is unobtainable, I guarantee you it's not. Go and get yourself a piece of paper and note what you want to achieve in general. It can be your dream job, educational goal, family goal, thing you'd like to buy or maybe vacations. Whatever it is think how much you can do in 5 years. Then think what you can achieve in a year. Now you can set your goal for one year. Focus now. When you have your goal for this year think what you can do each month. Now you're setting monthly goal. Then think what you can do each week and divide your to weekly goals and everyday goals.
At first it doesn't have to be anything huge. Start from doing at least once a day an activity which is hard for you or you simply don't feel like doing. I promise you that you will feel proud.

#4 Build everyday habits.

This one is essential for self-development. Everyday habits are simply activities repeated on everyday basics. We can create good habits which are beneficial to us or bad habits which are just the opposite. You may ask " Why are they so important? Can't I just skip it?" No, you can't. It is the only way to train self-discipline and get your life together. Because how can you start your own business, when you cannot even make your bed in the morning. It gives you the feeling of being organized and a boss girl. I suggest you starting from something simple but at the same time challenging. For example:

  • making your bed in the morning
  • clean your space every day
  • eat your meals slower and enjoy your food
  • set maximum time on social media
  • plan the next day in the evening

#5 Listen, read and follow right people.

When you spend time on the internet, don't waste your precious time on following people who don't give you anything meaningful. Please, unfollow people who's content demotivate you, or makes you feel lower than them. It's impassible to make big changes from the inside when you constantly feeding your mind really poorly. 
 Instead, start following on your social media people who have something inspiring to say. That you can learn something new or interesting. Remember that what you provide your brain it will have an impact on you. Whether you do it consciously or not. You can also listen to podcast or audiobook while doing housework or driving a car. I recommend you searching on spotify or youtube for podcast that you find interesting. If you are curious what I listen to or read let me know in the comments. At this moment I'm totally hooked on " super soul conversations" which is a podcast on spotify. I find it so motivating and helpful in everyday struggles that you should definitely check it out.

#6 Don't waste your time.

If you respect your life, respect your time. Nobody will return wasted time so think about it when you feel like doing so. I know it may sounds a bit harsh but if you realized it later, it would be really painful.
Now think about when during the day you tend to waste the most time. I'm sure you will catch yourself on scrolling instagram a little bit too long. Maybe you need to work on your time managing skills or try out " to do" list. It might be a lot more helpful when organizing your day. If you decide to follow my blog, you can expect posts about these types of topics.
Moreover, I am  not only talking about procrastinating or staying unproductive. I'm also talking about spending time with certain people. If they don't give you anything useful ( thoughts, support, kind words) , you should cut them off. Believe me, you won't regret it . After all, the kind of attitude you represent is the kind of people you will attract to your life. 

#7 Take care of your body.
Don't give me wrong. I'm not talking about looking like Victoria's Secret models. Perfection is not a goal but a weakness so that your goal should be to look so good to yourself that you feel as confident as supermodels. Beauty standards, in my opinion, are really cruel to our society but what I find comforting is that everybody is attracted to a variety of qualities so that we can be proud of different types of beauty.
In order to feel better in your skin is important to smell good and take care of your skin condition. I know acne is difficult to deal with but do your best. Don't forget about physical activities. It can be whatever brings you joy. I love latino dances so even when I don't feel like working out, I dace for at least 20 minutes and I feel much more satisfied.
Please, pay attention to your diet. It has massive impact on you body, skin, nails and mood. Healthy eating doesn't have to be boring and you can actually enjoy it. We can do 7 days healthy eating challenge. I can upload once a day recipe of delicious meal so you will have some ideas what to prepare. Let me know if you are interested in such idea!

#8 Reset your mind.
Do not forget that resting is an essential part of working on yourself. It will prevent you from burnout and you can enjoy the process much more. At least once a day find an hour only for yourself. Take a hot bath, watch something entertaining or read a magazine. Do whatever makes you stop thinking about things you need to do, or you haven't done yet. Glass of wine is also a nice idea.

#9 Never compare yourself to other people.

Unless you want quit quickly your journey, you shouldn't compare yourself to other people. Remember that everybody has their own speed of working, different skills and goals. Just because Kim lost 10 pounds quicker than you doesn't mean that you will not achieve results you desire. Look at yourself everyday and think what you can do better tomorrow. Find lesson from every day because if you do the same mistakes, you can expect the same results. Stop asking yourself "Why all those things happen to me all the time?". I gave you the answer. Your turn.

#10 Spend time with yourself and explore yourself.

Spend time with yourself like with a friend. Understand that you must be your best friend and rely mostly on yourself. It's essential to get to know yourself better. Figure out what kind of people you like and dislike, whether you prefer socialize or being alone, what are your advantages and weaknesses, what is your goal in life and don't forget analyzing what kind of qualities makes someone attractive and WHY. What I mean in this and last paragraph is to analyze your needs, desires, goals and preferences so that choices are a little bit easier to make.


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