7 Ways To Become A Girl Boss

women power
#1 The power of setting targets.
This is one of the most important things when it comes to self-development journey. We all know that making changes is about taking actions but we cannot just do whatever. We must find the purpose behind our efforts otherwise, we'll get discouraged very quickly. 
OK so when we know why we need targets next step is to set them. You have to ask yourself if you are satisfied with where you are right now and what are your dreams and deep desires. Be honest with yourself because it is the only way to manifest them. Don't worry if your idea may seems impassible to achieve. You are capable of doing everything but you should be aware how much dedication, hard work and efforts it requires. 

#2 Surround yourself with people who have positive impact on you.
You have to be aware that if you spend time with people who have bad energy, you won't level up in life. Sometimes it's better to be alone than around individuals who don't wish you to succeed. You are not responsible for their failure but for yours. So when you give them the right to control you actions, you must stop it. Not everybody is capable of doing more than just talking about their needs but if you are not one of them, you shouldn't deal with them. Just pay attention to the red flags and someone's vibe and you'll finally find wonderful people.

#3 Don't waste your time.

You probably heard about it many times but in order to really take it to heart we must dive deeper into this topic. Think about how much time you waste during the day on social media, spending time with not inspiring people, or just simply procrastinating. 
When you say "yes" to one thing, you say "no"to something else. Please remember that our time on this earth is limited. Even millions can't buy more hours with your loved ones. 
Many people don't think about death because they are
scared of it, but as a result they live as if the death would never come. I think about it quite often. I conscious of every little moment in my life and that's why I'm not waiting for the right moment. Now is the best moment.

#4 Build good habits
Every one of us has some sort of habits. We tend to associate it with mainly bad ones like smoking, drinking, or eating unhealthy foods. Our goal here is to build good ones like reading every day or waking up early. It will help you get your life together and organize your work. The truth is that every successful person created their own habits which keep them on the truck. At first it is really hard to build good habits because they are always a bit challenging but here is the beauty of it. Imagine yourself doing something productive one of the first things in the morning. It basically sets your mind on working mode. After some time your body gets used to it so it's getting easier to learn a new skills and feel satisfied with your progress.

#5 Create your own morning and night routine.
What I mean by that is just create a list of activities you will do every day in the morning and evening. It can help you feel more productive and effective. 
I suggest you waking up early in the morning because then you have more time to do your priorities and the things you want. Try to eat a healthy breakfast and drink water. I'd add there  also some skincare routine to make your skin fresh and ready for the day. If you feel like exercising then do it. Try to not go straight to your social media but instead do something like reading or making coffee and enjoy the moment.
Night routine should be time for you to relax your body and mind. You can take a hot bath with a glass of wine or watch something entertaining. Take your time for hygiene routine. It takes a little bit extra time but it's worth all your efforts. When you smell good you feel good. Remember that sleep is crucial for our well being so make yourself a favor and try to sleep at least 6/7 hours.

#6 Explore yourself.
In order to make progress and work effectively you have to explore yourself. 
Try to figure out:

  • how many hours of sleep you need to feel your best
  • what part of the day is the most productive for you
  • when during the day you feel unproductive 
  • the best way for you to reset your mind
  • how fast you learn and memorize 
  • the most effective learning methods 
  • when you should take breaks 

#7 Reward yourself and relax.

Hard work and self-discipline is a key to success but the most common mistake ambitious people make is to not taking rest. We have to remember that the most important thing when it comes to becoming a better version of ourselves is to find balance. You need to know that if your body is exhausted and you decide to push yourself even more you actually hurt yourself. Listen to your body signals. They will tell you exactly its needs. Don't forget about the reward after little and great successes. You are not a machine. You are a human and you have the right to feel down, tired, upset, and any other emotion. Don't be too hard on yourself.


  1. Well researched post...i enjoyed it

  2. I can't agree more with these factors!!! Just amazing especially surrounding oneself with positive, supportive and successful people.

  3. great write up,change the template to make it look organized

  4. Ten komentarz został usunięty przez administratora bloga.

  5. Thank you for these tips! This really helped me boost my self confidence and well-being as a girl :)

  6. Great tips! This can help a lot of people with self esteem.

  7. This is a very insightful read. Especially the "explore yourself" part, this is my favorite. You never lose by being interesting in this self-discovering journey.

    1. Self-discovery is very important. Don't be afraid of trying something completely new.

  8. Very inspiring! I think Girl Bosses are the best of all bosses. and simply the best overall

    1. We should know the importance of independence. It's crucial when we don't want to rely on somebody else.

  9. I 100% agree. YAY GIRL BOSSES! Thanks for all of the tips.

  10. Well written article.
    Well doke!

  11. Great tips! This is very timely for me as I’m been trying to build my brand HeavieTalk.

  12. Truly women has a lot to do in this world of men who do the leading. Ladirs has a lot to administer. Thanks for bringing chances to women.

  13. For me, it's all abot resilience but with a heart. It has to be combination of both to make you an effective girl boss.

  14. These are all great! Surrounds yourself with a positive vibes are best and creating a daily day and night routine is really important to be more productive.

    Commenting for Elizabeth Obih-Frank

    1. These are one of my favorite. Especially morning routine.

  15. https://kahafilwara.blogspot.com/2020/05/self-worth.html?m=1
    Please check out my blog as well on slef worth


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