7 Ways To Start Loving Yourself

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1. Remember that guy is not an indicator of your worth as a person.

 It's hard to rebuild your self-love after being hurt by a man. I know for sure that after a terrible breakup you tend to start thinking that you aren't worth anyone's attention. You gave him your whole heart, but the only thing he did was using you, sounds familiar? I get it, but you need to rethink if he was a real MAN. There is a huge possibility that he was still a child in a grown body. A real man takes care of your needs, listens to you, makes you laugh, makes you feel loved and beautiful. If he didn't do all these things, it means that he wasn't the one for you. Not because you were not worth his efforts, but because he has nothing to provide any high-quality female.


2. Realize that self-love is not about the best body, but knowing that you deserve best.

There are so many people out there and everybody looks different. Isn't it incredible? So, why would you want to look like someone else? Instead of thinking about what you can change, in order for you to be perfect, start emphasizing what makes you look your beautiful self. Stop looking at Instagram models or stars and feeling down because of it. Remember that many photos are enhanced because a certain person makes money on their image. Looking closer at celebrities' lives, you may notice that many plastic surgeries often don't prevent their partners from cheating.


3. Do little challenging things every day, in order to feel proud of yourself.
Here we have the absolute key to self-love. You won't gain respect for yourself if you don't feel proud. Healthy proudness is a solution when you feel worthless. OK, so what should I do? The answer is in the title of this paragraph.
Easy solutions are comfortable, but they don't give anything valuable. Challenging yourself, in other words, means to go out of your comfort zone. It doesn't have to be anything huge for one time. Just do something which normally you're too lazy to do, or it's a little bit hard, but you're able to do it.
Here are a few ideas to try out:

  • do not use your phone for after waking up
  • read 10 pages of a book 
  • exercise for  20 min at least
  • clean your space
  • set daily targets

4. Try out multiple outfits and makeup to figure out what is best for you.

Sometimes we feel bad about our body because we don't wear clothes which are suitable for our body type. That's why we should be aware of what works for our body and you can do it only by trying new things and experimenting. Start wearing new colors, patterns, or materials. Don't be afraid of stepping out of ”your style”. There is a big chance that you'll like it. The same goes for makeup. You can also visit a professional makeup artist who will help you emphasize your beauty. I encourage you to try some makeup tutorials. At first, it may be a bit complicated, but as you get better, it's such fun.

5. Spend more time with your own company.

We should not forget about it. Become a best friend to yourself by listening to your needs, taking care of your body, mind, soul, and exploring yourself. It is really important for our self-development. You should have the level of self-awareness and know who you are and who you are not. Find at least an hour a day and do something that helps you figure out who you really are.

For instance:

  • take a hot bath
  • go for a walk
  • write a journal
  • exercise 
  • listen to a podcast

6. Be kind to yourself.

The way you talk to yourself has always impact on your thoughts. When you keep telling yourself how worthless you are and things like that, your body naturally reacts. If you reassure your mind about these bad things on everyday basics, there's no way that you'll feel good about yourself. Sometimes we are our worst enemies. 

Try to compliment yourself about the things you like and work on these you don't. This is the right path to follow if you want to love yourself.

7. Improve your beauty routine.

Some people would say that this point is a little bit superficial, but I'm sure you feel much better about yourself when you look good and smell good. If you don't have a daily skincare routine, you should definitely start doing so. Searching for ideas on youtube may be quite helpful when you don't know where to start. It costs a bit more effort, but it's worth your extra time and money. Try out new beauty products and enjoy the process. Your skin condition won't improve overnight, but it also teaches you patient and self-discipline.


  1. Self love is so important! This is a great blog thanks for sharing

  2. Wonderful post, many ways we can take care of myself but your shared seven ways are to specific and replicatable to start loving myself... love to read great post.

  3. Its so true. We will only find the right person when we start loving ourselves and stop chasing the wrong one.

    1. That's unfortunately thing we were not born with. It must be learned.

  4. This is a great list. We could all use a little self love every now and then. We need to make sure to take care of ourselves.

    1. That's true. Our self-love is like a flower. It needs to be watered and treated with patient.

  5. What a beautiful list that should never be forgotten. Love starts with lioving with ourselves, it is simple but hard.

    1. I would never imagine such positive comments. I'm so glad sharing with you all my thoughts and helping.

  6. This is a very uplifting post. It is crucial to like the look in the mirror and to take care of yourself is one of the necessary steps on a journey of self-love.

    1. It is a necessary step to lead independent and satisfying life. Everything starts in our head.

  7. I know I definitely need to make more time for alone time.

    1. It's a huge struggle in todays world but crucial to feel good and happy.

  8. This is a lovely article on self love, will give it a try and see!

  9. How can I add this to one of my pinterest boards? I have a board for self love. I think this would be an asset

    1. Oh that would be amazing. I have an account on pintrest and I uploaded it there so you can find it and add to your board.
      pintrest: High Quality Woman

  10. I really love this post. It's so much easier to love others rather than ourselves.

    1. This is so true. That's why we should pay attention how we treat ourselves.

  11. I love all of your tips but especially number 3! Doing something challenging everyday helps so stinking much!

    1. thank you very much. Number 3 can change anyone's life. It's changed mine.

  12. Kudos for this great lady. You are design for a big purpose. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    1. I'd never imagine such motivating and uplifting comments. Thank you from the button of my heart. I do my best.

  13. Wow, I learned new things here today. Great content. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Self love is necessary. Thanks for sharing with us. Appreciate that

  15. I would add- surround yourself with positive people that you can look up to. Negativity is a constant bummer- Adi

  16. I really loved this post and also love what you stand for. It's all about building our tribes, a loving and supportive community. Looking forward to spending more time on your blog and of course your next post!


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