7 Signs He's Not Serious About You

relationship advice
#1 He doesn't ask you how you feel.

It's a huge red flag. If he doesn't ask you questions like: "How do you feel today?" or "Is everything fine?", it means that he isn't really interested in your wellbeing. When we care about somebody, we want them to be safe and happy. Don't waste your time on this guy anymore. Apparently, he's not ready to be in a real relationship. Anything that you’ll do will change him. I know it's hurtful to hear such things, but you need to take this harsh lesson and cut him off.

REMINDER: We can't control the other person, but we can control ourselves, so keep your head up and set your standards.

#He's "too busy" to call you during the day.

Believe me, he isn't that busy. I'm not saying that he doesn't work, but everybody has at least 10 minutes during the day. He just doesn't want to dedicate this 10 minutes to hear your voice. He rather makes up plenty of excuses. You can't fall into this trap. He'll manipulate you and make you feel bad about yourself that you have too high expectations while he's working hard. Remember that this is an absolute minimum of his effort. If he's not capable of doing that little, you must respect yourself enough to leave.

REMINDER: Text is not a call. He can literally copy sweet messages and send them to multiple girls.

 #3 He avoids inviting you on a real date.

You should always pay attention to that. A guy who doesn't take you out on a real date isn't worth your attention. I know that inviting you to come over to his house for dinner may sound like a romantic idea, but it's not. This usually means that he doesn't want to show himself in public with you because he would meet somebody who knows him. Also, preparing a meal at home is much cheaper, so that he doesn't have to spend much money on you. Open your eyes girl. You literally deliver himself to his place, so there's a huge possibility that it'll end up in his bed.

REMINDER: Men can be extremely manipulative when they want something. They can tell you everything without meaning that just to get intimate with you.

#4 He wants to meet you only at late hours.

This is a serious red flag. He'll make any excuse why he can't spend time with you during the day. The truth is that he’s dating somebody else, or he doesn't take you seriously. It's so easy for him. He doesn't have to do even the absolute minimum because you do everything he wants. He doesn't try to get to know you better or spend a fun time with you. He wants just your body without any emotional bond. Whatever he tells you, he won't change. After all, you'll feel stupid and embarrassed when he gets bored.

REMINDER: You deserve meaningful intimacy and somebody who will treat you respectfully. You'll never find such a person if you don't let these toxic people go.

5 He urges you to drink alcohol when you're with him.

Don't give me wrong. I'm not talking about a glass of wine or one drink, but a situation when he buys a bottle of whiskey and expects to drink the whole thing together. At first, it may seem innocent, but the red flag appears when he drinks really fast and insist on doing the same. You should be really careful with that because it can be really dangerous. He just wants to make you drank and use you for his needs. You'll feel terrible the next day.

Please, when you notice that he's trying to do it with you, just leave him.

REMINDER: You deserve to be somebody's treasure.

#6 He avoids talking about his personal details.

If he constantly changes the topic when you ask him about his family or friends, it's a clear sign that he doesn't want you to be a part of his life. Don't let him manipulate you. It's normal that when you want to get to know somebody, you tell them about your family, friends, memories, childhood, and things like that. So if he gets easily frustrated or confused with your questions, you can be sure that he doesn't take you seriously.

REMINDER: You already have one vagina. You don't need the second one.

#7 He doesn't want to take pictures of you together.

Pay attention to this one. It may seem really innocent, but actually, it tells you a lot. If a guy doesn't want you to post pictures on social media, usually, it means that he just tries to prevent other people from seeing you two together. It's a clear indicator that he's not serious about you. A man who is proud of being in a relationship with such an amazing woman wants everybody to know and be jealous. If he wants to hide you from the rest of the world, you should respect yourself enough and leave him.

REMINDER: You can't make somebody respect you, but you can show that you respect yourself enough to never deal with such people.


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