5 Ways To Get Closer To God

Ways to become closer to God

#1 Trust

One thing we have to be aware of is that we won't create a strong connection with God without trust. It means that we believe that He has a plan for our lives and He guides us through all life experiences. It sounds really promising, right? So why then, a lot of people struggle with trusting Him?

Because when something traumatic happens, we feel tricked and abandoned... What we need to understand is that all these painful moments in our lives have shaped us who we are today. God does want the best for us, but He can only guide us. It's up to us whether we take this extremely difficult lesson or not.

#2 Have daily conversations with Him.

It's crucial to make daily conversations with God a habit. When I say conversations, I don't mean these formulas you know by heart. You can tell him everything that makes you sad, nervous, furious, etc. Don't be afraid to express every emotion that you feel. Even if you are mad at Him, say it.
I know that many individuals don't like praying just because it feels dishonest. I got it. Next time you decide to try, just talk as if you were talking to a friend. You can be brutally honest, He won't judge you. If you need help, just ask Him. If you are grateful, thank Him.
Believe me, it's a beautiful kind of relationship.

#3 You are allowed to have doubts.

Every human has doubts. It's really hard to stick to something like faith when we can't see it by our eyes. We can listen to preaches, have daily conversations and trust, but from time to time we will always have doubts. I'm here to tell you that it doesn't mean that you don't deserve God's love because of that or you lost your faith. You actually have the reason to fight them.
Even if you are off and on with your beliefs, God will never abandon you. It's your role to open your heart for Him once again.

#4 It takes time to deeper the connection.

It won't happen overnight. You probably know, a strong friendship is built on trust, patience, honesty, gratitude, love, and respect. If you've ever had this real friend, you know that even after a few years, you're still discovering new things about each other. You change the way of thinking, beliefs, and also your own personality.

This true healthy relationship is actually a constant growth and learning process. The same is with the connection with God. That's why it takes time, but everything that it's worth something in our lives takes time and effort.

#5 Just because you can't see something, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

Once I heard this quote, "If God gave an obvious and visible sign of his existence, you wouldn't need faith". It hit me really hard because it was the answer to my nagging question "What if it's all only illusion?"

But that's true. We wouldn't need faith if we knew for sure. The reason why this bond is so wonderful is that it's also a part of our personal development. We face consciously all our doubts, struggles, wounds, and painful moments every day. We develop this willpower to come back, not losing faith and hope, just to see, after all these disappointments, that it was worth it.


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