5 Ways To Feel Beautiful

Ways to love yourself

#1 Realize that beauty comes from the inside of you.

I know that many people say that your personality is more important than your appearance. I can agree with that, but it's not the whole point. What I actually mean by that is to feel beautiful and worthy no matter what. Even when you're having a bad day and you don't feel like yourself, you still have the feeling of worthiness. Why? Because it comes from you, not from other people. You see, validation that comes from other people's opinions about you will always be temporary. As quickly as it can be given, it can be taken back. That's why so many people feel their best when they put a lot of effort to look a certain way and then they attract attention. But what happens when they remove their makeup and they are not in the center of attention anymore? Then the doubts appear. 
Am I worthy enough?
Am I pretty enough?
I need to change my lips/hair/body...
The thing we need to understand is that we'll never get the validation that we crave because the only person that can give you that is you. It's gonna take a lot of time, patient, effort, and self-talk, but it will stay with you for your whole life.

#2 Validate yourself.

Sometimes it's easier said than done, right? Validating yourself is crucial for building your confidence and strong self-belief. It's not the easiest path, but essential for a happy life. So how to do it? Here are a few steps.
  1. Don't compare yourself to others.
  2. Practice complimenting yourself.
  3. Be proud of your small successes.
  4. Don't be so hard on yourself.
  5. Put yourself first.
  6. Invest in your growth.
  7. Treat yourself kindly.
#3 Surround yourself with people who support you.

Without the right people around you, your progress will be significantly slower. When you will feel the need to change, develop, and grow, the support will also be important. At first, you're gonna be excited, motivated, and ready to take action, but after this period of time, the bad days will come. These days when you'll no longer feel inspired or full of energy. Then people who are close to you will establish your attitude either for the better or for worse. That's why you should keep close only those people who motivate you to push through even when you don't feel like it. 

#4 Work on your personality.

In order to feel good about ourselves, we need to be proud of our own successes. Self-development is the best way to push ourselves and grow as a person. If you don't know how to start, what you need to do is to think about who you want to become. Then you set your targets and build healthy habits. 
You can always:
  1. Read books about self-development.
  2. Enroll in curs to gain some skills.
  3. Search for inspiring blogs or youtube channels.
  4. Rise your self-awareness by journaling.

There are so many options out there. All you need to do is to ask questions and look for answers.

#5 Enhance your beauty.
Your body is your temple, so we need to treat it with kind and respect. You need to find this extra time to take care of your skin, hair, and hygiene. You're gonna feel much better and your body will look way healthier. You should experiment with makeup and figure out what works best for you. Remember that your everyday makeup should show your beauty, not create the the illusion of a different face. Don't give me wrong. I'm not an opponent of heavy makeup, but I know that many people hide their true faces behind it. The whole point is to wear makeup, not to makeup wear you.


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